Portfolio Style Drift Check with StyleCheck


The Easy Way to Analyze Mutual Fund Style Drift

For Financial Advisors who implement portfolios with mutual funds, how do you know whether the fund's actual style meets your expectations for the fund's assigned asset class? A fund can be assigned a "category" by the industry but actually perform like another asset class.

Using Returns Based Style Analysis (RBSA), our software will tell you whether the fund manager is "drifting" into other asset classes than what you expect. Without this info, your portfolios are assuming more and different risk that what you thought. The software also will show you whether the fund's "best fit index" is changing over time, another indicator of the manager "style drifting".

You can analyze individual mutual funds, or an entire portfolio of mutual funds to check the style drift of the portfolio's asset allocation.


Great for: Financial Advisors, Brokers, Certified Financial planners, Plan Sponsors, 401(k) Fiduciaries, Registered Representatives, Registered Reps, IARs, Trusts, and anyone picking investments, developing asset allocations and implementing portfolios with mutual funds.

Software Specs: Internet-based software runs on any computer that can operate a Web Browser including Windows, Macintosh, UNIX, and Linux. No software installation is required. Runs in your web browser.


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Main Benefits:

Avoid Lawsuits

Reduce Portfolio Risk

Improve Performance

It's Easy-to-Use

Save Time

Lower Cost

No Install Required

No Downloads Needed

Data Updated Monthly

Web-Based Software